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Best Practices for Crafting Your Vehicle Bug-Out Bag

Updated: Feb 22

Vehicle bug-out bag/kit

In today's unpredictable world, being prepared for the unexpected is not just a motto for survivalists; it's a practical necessity for everyone.  Let’s face it, the world is currently in a mess, the worst I have ever known, wars, climate disasters and the threat of a global recession or worse depression.  This blog considers the best practices for crafting your Vehicle Bug-Out Bag. One crucial aspect of preparedness is having a well-equipped bug-out bag in your vehicle. Let's consider the essentials to ensure your vehicle bug-out bag is not just a collection of items but a comprehensive toolkit for unforeseen situations.


Your vehicle bug-out bag is your lifeline when unforeseen circumstances strike. It’s different from your "personal" bug-out bag.  Whether it's a sudden breakdown, extreme weather conditions, or other unexpected events such as getting stuck on a motorway for hours, having the right gear can turn a crisis into a manageable situation.

Understanding the Essentials

The first step in crafting the perfect bug-out bag is understanding what makes it essential. It's not just about throwing a few items in a bag; it's about carefully selecting items that can sustain you during critical times. From necessities like water and food to more specialised tools, each item has a role to play in your survival.

Water and Hydration

In any emergency, staying hydrated is non-negotiable. Your bug-out bag should include a reliable water storage solution and purification methods. It's not just about having water; it's about having safe and drinkable water.

Nutrition on the Go

Food is fuel, and in emergencies, you need the right kind of fuel to keep going. Opt for non-perishable, energy-dense food items that won't take up much space but will provide the sustenance you need.

Clothing and Shelter

Being prepared means having the right clothing for various climates. Additionally, consider compact shelter options for those times when you might need more than just your vehicle for protection.

First Aid Essentials

A well-stocked first aid kit is a non-negotiable item in your vehicle bug-out bag. Address specific medical needs, and don't forget to include any personal medications you or your family members might require.

Communication Devices

Staying connected can be a game-changer in emergencies. Explore communication tools that work even when traditional methods fail.

Navigation Tools

GPS isn't infallible, and technology can fail. Ensure you have the skills and tools to navigate using traditional methods like maps and a compass.

Lighting and Tools

In emergencies, visibility is key. Pack reliable lighting options and essential tools for both survival and quick repairs.

Self-Defence Considerations

While your primary focus is survival, it's essential to consider personal protection. Be aware of the legal aspects of carrying self-defence tools and choose options that align with regulations.

Emergency Cash and Documents

Cash is king in emergencies. Keep a stash in your bug-out bag, along with essential documents like identification and insurance information.

Vehicle Maintenance Supplies

Your bug-out bag isn't just for personal survival; it's also for your vehicle. Pack basic tools, spares and supplies for on-the-go repairs, and don't overlook the importance of regular vehicle maintenance.

Training and Familiarisation

Having the gear is one thing; knowing how to use it is another. Regularly practice bug-out scenarios and involve your family members in the process. The more familiar everyone is with the gear, the more effective it becomes.


Crafting the perfect vehicle bug-out bag is an investment in your safety and the safety of your loved ones. Take the time to carefully select and organise your gear and remember that preparedness is an ongoing process. Stay proactive, stay safe, and be ready for whatever comes your way.


Building your vehicle bug-out bag? Use this checklist to get started. A more extensive and detailed list is included in Survivorpedia:

Water and Hydration:

  • Water bottles or hydration bladder

  • Water purification tablets or filters

  • Life Straw Nutrition on the Go:

  • Non-perishable, energy-dense food items

  • Compact meal planning options Clothing and Shelter:

  • Weather-appropriate clothing

  • Compact shelter or emergency blanket First Aid Essentials:

  • Comprehensive first aid kit

  • Personal medications Communication Devices:

  • Two-way radio or communication device

  • Portable power bank Navigation Tools:

  • Map of local area

  • Compass Lighting and Tools:

  • Flashlight or headlamp

  • Multi-tool for repairs Self-Defence Considerations:

  • Legal self-defence tools (if applicable)

  • Personal safety items Emergency Cash and Documents:

  • Cash in small denominations

  • Copy of Survivorpedia and the 1,000 PDF document on a USB stick

  • Copy of personal documentation

A more extensive and detailed list is included in Survivorpedia.

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