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Canadians get paid for Climate Change, why don't we receive a climate fee and dividend cheque in the UK?

Updated: Feb 22

Climate Fee and Dividend Cheque

I recently sent the message below to over 200 media executives in the UK urging them to look into a way to rapidly decrease emissions and keep the community at large happy with little to no cost to the government. Canadians get paid for Climate Change and receive a climate fee and dividend cheque, why don't we?

Please have a read and if you like please send the link or your own message to your local member. If Canada, Switzerland and Austria can implement a Climate Fee and Dividend system then surely the UK can too! Please also consider joining its free and is making a difference.

Urgent Action Needed: Climate Crisis Demands Immediate Response from Elected Officials


Dear ( ),

In light of the escalating global temperatures and the urgent need for decisive action, we stand at a critical juncture demanding the immediate attention of our elected officials. The recent announcement by the UN weather agency (WMO) declaring last year a breaker of global temperature records serves as a stark reminder of the pressing need to address climate change.


Global Record Temperatures:

Verified through leading international datasets, the World Meteorological Organization reports a fresh annual temperature average of 1.45°C above pre-industrial levels. Unprecedented records from June to December, with July and August being the hottest ever recorded, emphasise the gravity of the situation. Urgent and drastic reductions in greenhouse gas emissions are imperative, as emphasized by WMO Secretary-General Prof. Celeste Saulo and UN chief António Guterres.


UK Record Temperatures 2023:

A climate analysis of the UK for 2023 reveals alarming trends, with eight of the 12 months warmer than average. The Met Office's insights indicate a warming trend since the 1960s, with the warmest year observed in specific regions. June set a record as the hottest month since 1966, underscoring the impact of climate change on the UK's climate.


UK 2024 Floods:

As we grapple with the aftermath of severe flooding in the UK, described as the worst in 24 years, the need for innovative solutions becomes increasingly apparent. Tragic incidents and disrupted services highlight the ongoing impact of climate-related challenges. The Environment Agency's warning about saturated ground underscores the urgency of addressing these issues.


A Solution: Climate Fee and Dividend:

Climate Income: A Strategic Approach

Amidst these environmental challenges, the concept of Climate Income, also known as a carbon fee and dividend, emerges as a swift mechanism to curb greenhouse gas emissions by a significant 33% within a decade. This approach proves not only cost-effective but also safeguards the financial well-being of UK residents with modest and intermediate incomes.


The methodology is succinct: elevate the cost of burning fossil fuels. As prices surge, consumers pivot towards more economical and cleaner alternatives, rendering the combustion of fossil fuels economically unviable for businesses. This surge has already spurred developments in electric cars and renewable energy, establishing them as secure investments.


Considerations for all UK households:

The distribution mechanism involves all resident adults in the UK receiving a payment, with children receiving half. Equality prevails in payments, irrespective of household income or carbon footprint. Whether through an income tax rebate, benefit payment, or an app, the separate disbursement labelled 'climate income' or 'climate dividend' underscores its purpose in combating climate change and assisting individuals in budgeting for rising costs or investing in clean energy technology and energy-saving projects.


The fee, distinct from VAT and petrol duty, is levied on businesses involved in fossil fuel extraction or import. Crucially, Climate Income extends its protection to individuals with low and middle incomes through dividend payments, essential for economic stability during the transition.


Balancing Act for Viability:

Striking a balance is crucial, ensuring affordability for heating and transportation while awaiting the normalisation of clean energy. The viability of Climate Income hinges on its popularity among the voting public, a factor imperative for continuity across successive governments.


Fossil fuel-burning businesses face charges through proposed government legislation, fostering a shift towards cleaner energy options. The imperative for businesses to switch becomes evident as innovative technologies gain prominence due to their cost-effectiveness.


In Conclusion:

While Climate Income is not a standalone solution, its implementation promises a substantial reduction in emissions at a relatively low cost. The viability of this approach relies on public support and can set a positive example for the world. Canada Climate Action Incentive payment amounts for 2023-24 -, Switzerland, and Austria have already successfully implemented similar schemes and its time the UK did the same.

It is our collective responsibility especially the media to demand action and hold elected officials accountable and demand swift action in the face of the climate crisis. For more information on Climate Income, visit




Ian C Jones



On behalf of Citizens Climate lobby



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