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Flood Checklist

Updated: Feb 22

The best thing is to be prepared. This Flood Checklist is a great start. Use it to build your resilience against a flood and get the other checklists plus the 1,000 PDF library from Survivorpedia.

Hurley, Berkshire, UK.  Flood

Flood Preparation Checklist (Reviewed 9th Jan 2024)

Before the Flood:

1. Stay Informed:

• Monitor local weather forecasts and river levels.

• Sign up for emergency alerts from local authorities.

• Join local social media support groups.

2. Community Engagement:

• Connect with neighbours for mutual assistance.

• Participate in community drills and preparedness events.

3. Create an Emergency Plan:

• Develop a family emergency plan with evacuation routes. Understand the safest path from your home to higher ground. Consider ditches, drains, ponds and other underwater obstacles.

• Create a map showing the pathway and landmarks and avoid risky shortcuts.

• Establish a meeting point for family members.

4. Emergency Kit:

• Create an emergency kit with essentials such as:

• Non-perishable food for at least a week, remember your pets.

• Water purification tablets or a water filter.

• Extra clothing, including waterproof options.

• Water (1 gallon/ 5 litres per person per day)

• First aid supplies

• Flashlights and batteries

• Important documents (ID, insurance, etc.)

• Medications

• Cash in small denominations / Credit cards

• Hygiene supplies (toothbrush, soap, etc.).

• Multi-tool and basic repair supplies.

• Blankets or sleeping bags.

• Personal documents in waterproof pouch (passport, medical records, insurance).

• Entertainment items for children.

• Your Survivorpedia memory stick with survival library

5. Secure Your Home:

• Elevate important appliances and utilities if possible.

• Seal basement walls with waterproofing compounds.

• Buy a submersible pump if appropriate.

• Have a sufficient supply of sandbags and sand.

• Consider installing flood barriers or sandbags ahead of time.

6. Insurance:

• Review your insurance policy for flood coverage.

• Take inventory of valuable possessions with photos or videos.

7. Vehicle Preparation:

• Ensure your car has a full tank of fuel or the ev is charged.

• Pack the car with evacuation supplies and move to a secure location on higher ground.

• Pack a car emergency kit including a spare tire.

During the Flood:

1. Evacuation:

• Follow local authorities' evacuation orders.

• Use predetermined evacuation routes.

• If trapped, move to the highest point in your home with communications tools and supplies.

• Don’t forget the pets.

2. Utilities:

• Turn off gas, electricity, and water mains if instructed to do so.

• Unplug electrical appliances.

3. Communication:

• Keep a battery-powered radio for updates.

• Use your phone only for emergencies to conserve battery.

• Have a torch and supply of glow sticks.

• Keep a list of emergency contacts and family members.

• Use a waterproof case or bag for your phone and documents.

After the Flood:

1. Assess Damage:

• Check for structural damage before entering your home.

• Avoid downed power lines and report them to authorities.

2. Document Damage:

• Take photos or videos of damaged property for insurance claims.

• Keep records of expenses related to recovery.

3. Clean and Disinfect:

• Thoroughly clean and disinfect everything that got wet.

• Dispose of contaminated items properly.

4. Health Precautions:

• Be aware of potential health risks in the aftermath.

• Sewage systems may have leaked into the standing water, don’t let the children play in the mud.

5. Seek Assistance:

• Contact your insurance company promptly.

• Apply for disaster assistance from local agencies.

Evacuation Timing:

• Evacuate when local authorities issue evacuation orders.

• If you live in a flood-prone area, consider leaving early to avoid traffic congestion.

This checklist is a general guide. Local conditions and regulations may vary, so it's crucial to stay updated with your community's specific recommendations.

This checklist is a general guide. Local conditions and regulations may vary, so it's crucial to stay updated with your community's specific recommendations.

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