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How Owning a Dog Can Enhance Your Preparedness Skills

Updated: Feb 22

Man and Dog prepper

Owning a dog can enhance your preparedness skills and provide companionship; it's an opportunity to develop essential skills that contribute to your overall preparedness. In this article, we'll explore the unexpected ways having a canine companion has made me a better prepper. From understanding dog behaviour to improving situational awareness, let's delve into the unique aspects that can enhance your readiness for various scenarios.

Learning Dog Behaviour

Dogs, with their unique body language and behaviours, provide an invaluable opportunity to develop soft skills often overlooked in survivalist training. Here's why:

  • Understanding Canine Communication: Owning a dog exposes you to different aspects of canine communication, helping you interpret their needs and emotions.

  • Handling Various Situations: Learn how to handle different situations with your dog, whether it's encountering unknown dogs or understanding signs of fear, stress, aggression, or readiness to defend.

  • Confidence Around Dogs: Being confident around dogs and predicting their behaviour are valuable life skills, both in everyday life and potential disaster scenarios.

Improved Situational Awareness

Walking a dog regularly enhances your situational awareness, providing unexpected benefits for personal safety:

  • Scanning for Trouble: If your dog is not friendly with other dogs, you naturally become adept at scanning your surroundings for potential threats. This habit becomes second nature and can be crucial for survival.

  • Constant Vigilance: The continuous scanning for potential troublemakers becomes a habit, contributing to heightened situational awareness even when you're alone.

  • Preventive Measures: Situational awareness developed through dog walks can be vital in preventing conflicts and identifying potential hazards.


Learning About Your Neighbourhood

Walking your dog exposes you to the intricacies of your neighbourhood, providing insights that may have otherwise gone unnoticed:

  • Identifying Potential Threats: Discover houses with large, territorial dogs and unreliable fences, helping you identify potential threats in your vicinity.

  • Exploring Green Spaces: Uncover publicly-accessible green spaces within a short walk from your home, providing opportunities to learn about local plant life, wildlife, and environmental conditions.

  • Adapting Everyday Carry: Your daily walks may prompt adaptations to your everyday-carry items, enhancing your preparedness for different weather conditions.

The Health Benefits of Dog Walking

Beyond the mental and emotional benefits, dog ownership also contributes to physical well-being:

  • Cardiovascular and Joint Health: Regular dog walks provide a boost to cardiovascular and joint health, contributing to overall fitness.

  • Time in Nature: Walking your dog ensures daily exposure to nature, offering a break from screens and a chance to rejuvenate in natural surroundings.

  • Exploration and Change of Scene: Seeking out new paths and green spaces with your dog adds variety to your routine, promoting physical activity and mental stimulation.

Improving Physical Skills

Surprisingly, owning a dog can enhance physical skills that may prove useful in unexpected situations:

  • Throwing Skills: Daily games of fetch improve throwing accuracy, a skill that may come in handy in emergencies where precise throws are required.

  • Adapting to Unforeseen Circumstances: The unexpected improvement in throwing skills highlights the adaptability gained through routine activities with a dog.


In conclusion, owning a dog goes beyond companionship; it's a journey that cultivates a range of skills essential for preparedness. From understanding non-verbal communication to fostering situational awareness and improving physical abilities, the benefits are diverse. Embrace the unique experiences of dog ownership, as they might just be the unexpected edge you need in navigating life's challenges.

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