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IMPORTANT: Navigating the Unprecedented Era of Money Printing

Updated: Feb 22

World Debt Clock

Introduction to Navigating the Unprecedented Era of Money Printing

Did you know the US government has printed more money recently than it has for its nearly 250-year existence? This colossal monetary explosion has set the world and particularly the USA up for disaster. You must understand how to Navigate the Unprecedented Era of Money Printing.


The Trillion-Dollar Maze

Understanding the magnitude of the current financial landscape is crucial. Governments globally are discarding fiscal and monetary sanity, injecting trillions into economies. But where is this money coming from? They're creating it out of thin air. To comprehend these astronomical numbers, consider this: a trillion seconds ago was 30,000 BC.  The USA is $34 Trillion in debt in 2024.

Check out the World Debt Clock and see where your country sits.


The Looming Danger

When governments start carelessly spending and printing trillions, it signals dangerous territory. The current money printing spree could reach into the tens or hundreds of trillions of dollars, unleashing the biggest financial disaster ever.



Understand the Current Situation

I recommend that everyone watches the following two You Tube reports in order to get a better understanding on what is hearing our direction.



The Changing World Order

46 Million Views  



The Great Taking



Be Prepared, Understand how we have moved from Bank Bailouts to Bail-Ins, Be Warned. research the Bank Bail-in laws for your country.

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