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Lessons Learned from the Great Depression: Adapting Strategies for Today

Updated: Feb 22

The Great Depression

The last Great Depression may provide us with a roadmap. We should take note of the lessons learned from the great depressions and be prepared.

Work Strategies During Economic Collapse

Family Support and Relocation: In tough times, families sticking together can provide mutual support while searching for job opportunities.

Migrant Farm Work: Harvesting different crops at various times offers work for several months, acting as a lifeline for many.

Flexibility and Any Work: Being open to any available work is crucial when job opportunities are scarce.

Child Labor: Even children contribute to family earnings during difficult times.

Value in Everything: Items considered trash, like driftwood and scrap metal, can be collected and sold for money.

Government Employment Programs: Initiatives like the "New Deal" provide jobs, skills, and contribute to infrastructure development.

No Retirement Age: In times of financial strain, anyone capable of working is expected to do so.

Part-Time Work: Employers may offer part-time work, leading many to work multiple part-time jobs.

Persistent Job Search: People may spend all day searching for any available job during times of scarcity.

Creating Own Jobs: Individuals may need to innovate and create their own job opportunities.

Housing Adaptations

Shared Living: Families shared homes, often with extended family, to cope with housing challenges.

Makeshift Shelters: Homeless individuals built makeshift shelters like tents for basic living.

Energy Efficiency: Insulating homes with available materials like mud, newspapers, or tar paper helped conserve heat.

Temperature Management: Keeping homes cooler, wearing layers indoors, and using wet sheets in summer aided in cost-saving.

Home Refinancing: Refinancing homes helped families manage mortgage payments and living expenses.

Money Management Strategies

Barter Economies: In the absence of cash, barter economies thrived, with goods exchanged for services.

Loss of Trust in Banks: Bank closures eroded trust, prompting people to keep cash hidden at home.

Credit Risks: Offering credit without a robust system led to many stores going bankrupt during tough times.

Cash Begging: Begging became common, signalling desperation among those out of work.

Food Survival Tactics

Vegetable Plots: Having a vegetable plot or garden provided a vital food source.

Hunting and Fishing: Harvesting one's meat through hunting and fishing helped supplement diets.

Foraging: Foraging for nuts, berries, and wild greens supplemented food resources for many families.

Canning Skills: Canning was crucial for preserving food, creating a life-saving pantry during winter.

Creative Food Sources: People learned to eat unconventional items when hungry, maximizing available resources.

Clothing and Resourceful Living

Shoe Repair: Repairing shoes with scrap materials extended their lifespan.

Clothing Repairs: Making and repairing clothes using available fabrics, including feed sacks, was common.

Prioritising Use over Fashion: Focus on getting more use out of old clothes rather than spending on new ones.

Society and Attitude Shifts

Community Support: Communities became closer and more supportive, organizing donations and welfare loan schemes.

Willingness to Help: People were willing to give and support, understanding the cyclical nature of need and assistance.

Positive Outlook: Maintaining positivity and a forward-looking attitude was essential for collective resilience.

In summary, the lessons from the Great Depression underscore the importance of adaptability, resourcefulness, and community support during challenging times.

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