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Living in the City During Crisis: Unveiling Risks and Solutions: Part A

Updated: Feb 22

food shortage

In our collective pursuit of crisis preparedness, the prevailing belief that urban life poses significant challenges is acknowledged by many and living in the city during a crisis may become a significant challenge. However, the readiness to abandon city living for a more rural existence remains a rare commitment. Here we consider the perilous aspects of city living during crises and offers viable survival strategies. For those opting to remain in the city, this information may prove invaluable. In Part A we unveil the risks and in Part B we will consider some solutions.


Cities as Artificial Constructs

Cities, by their essence, are artificial creations and there are risks living in them during a crisis. Originating from the convergence of individuals for commercial transactions, social interactions, and the benefits of communal services, cities are interdependent with the countryside for crucial resources—namely, food, water, and electricity.

Despite limited abilities to generate electricity and extract water within city limits, the agricultural demands for food prohibit self-sufficiency. The stark reality is that no city can independently sustain its populace's nutritional needs. The advent of just-in-time delivery systems to grocery stores exacerbates the vulnerability, as cities face imminent food shortages within a week or two if supply chains are disrupted.

(Remember the early days of covid)

Cities, though seemingly self-sufficient, have long relied on the farmer for sustenance, a fact often overlooked by the general populace.

Risks in the City

The urban landscape introduces formidable risks during a crisis, notably:

Collapse of Social Order (Riots): The delicate fabric of "social order" can unravel swiftly under specific conditions, as witnessed in events like the L.A. Riots and post-Hurricane Katrina chaos. The breakdown of law-and-order stems from the psychological erosion of societal norms, exacerbated by a lack of food, water, and other necessities.

Failure of Water Treatment and Delivery Systems: The dependency of water treatment facilities on electricity poses a critical risk. The cessation of water supply prompts a frantic search for this essential resource, potentially resulting in looting, violence, and a mass exodus from cities.

Depletion of Food Supplies: Food shortages loom due to disruptions in transportation, causing delays in food delivery. Cities, reliant on external food sources, face near-panic situations as inhabitants grapple with the scarcity of this fundamental necessity.


Failure of the Power Grid: The abrupt cessation of electricity has profound psychological and practical implications. Social disorder escalates as urban life grinds to a halt, impacting essentials like heating, cooling, and medical facilities.


Unveiling the City's Vulnerabilities

Collapse of Social Order

The fragility of social order hinges on the availability of necessities—food and water etc. A shortage triggers a cascade of events, from neighbourhood ransacking to widespread violence. The potential transformation of cities into war zones necessitates extraordinary measures to restore order, an undertaking fraught with logistical challenges.


Water and Food Crisis

The vulnerability of water treatment facilities, coupled with a potential mass exodus from cities, forewarns of a grim scenario. Disruptions in the transportation sector amplify the impact of food shortages. Panic ensues as local supplies dwindle, compelling desperate measures such as looting and mass exodus from cities.


Power Grid Failure

The sudden loss of electricity triggers a domino effect, instigating looting and social disorder. Essential services, dependent on power, face imminent collapse, intensifying the gravity of the crisis.


In conclusion, recognising and preparing for these vulnerabilities is imperative for those opting to remain in urban environments during crises. The intricate interplay of social, infrastructural, and logistical factors demands a comprehensive approach to ensure survival in the face of adversity.

See Part B for some solutions.

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