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Living in the City During Crisis: Unveiling Risks and Solutions: Part B

Updated: Feb 22

Living in the City During Crisis

Alright, picture this, you find yourself confined to living in the city during a crisis. The decision to stick around has been made, and you've absorbed the challenges laid out in Part A. You have considered the risks but what are the solutions. So, what's the game plan now? There are essentially two approaches at your disposal:

Stay and Defend Your Home, or Bug Out

Hold on, it's not a black-and-white scenario. Initially, you can hunker down at home, taking stock of the situation. It's prudent to have a bug-out vehicle prepped, just in case your situation goes south. Do you have a vehicle, many city dwellers don’t. Also, committing to bugging out comes with its own set of substantial risks and drawbacks:

Risks in Bugging Out

·         Limited carrying capacity

·         Restricted range due to fuel constraints

·         Exposure to social chaos, roadblocks, and random violence

·         The looming threat of looting at your vacant house

·         Potential vehicle breakdowns

·         The need for a known, safer destination

Generally, unless you've got a concrete, secure location in mind, bugging out might not be the wisest move. Simply heading for the hills without a solid plan is a precarious choice. On the flip side, opting to stay put and fortify your residence, though seemingly perilous, can be the most reasonable course of action. In many cases, displaying a willingness to use force for defence can deter potential threats.

This and establishing a united front with your neighbours are key. Informed and prepared neighbours can transform into allies, forming a collective defence mechanism. It creates a symbiotic relationship – you help and support them, and they, in turn, contribute to the joint defence effort.


Clever Food Storage Tactics

 In an urban setting, storing food is crucial, but concealing it is paramount. Marauders may scour houses, demanding your sustenance for your life. Don't make the rookie mistake of stashing everything in obvious spots; they'll be discovered. Consider burying your provisions, utilising airtight containers, and planning ahead. Nighttime burials minimise detection.

If burying seems impractical, be discreet in your storage within your residence. Hiding food creatively – under beds, behind furniture, or in the attic – is a smart move. Alternatively, strategically stash smaller quantities around the house to divert attention. The art of concealing food is ancient and demands ingenuity.


To summarise food storage strategies:

·         Store all in-house and defend with force.

·         Bury it in your yard for contingency.

·         Conceal part in your house and hide the bulk.

·         Relocate everything when a major disaster is imminent.

·         For burying food, consider 55-gallon steel drums. Obtain them, fill them, and seal them. Burying, though a colossal effort, can safeguard your critical supplies.  

Water Storage Tactics

Water storage mirrors food tactics. Burying barrels before filling them is advisable. Treat stored water, rotate it regularly, or keep filters handy. For indoor storage, specialised containers are preferable, but in a pinch, almost any container will do.

Prepare for an extended time frame, at a minimum of two gallons per person per day. A robust water filter is an excellent investment. Additionally, explore various water treatment methods such as iodine, distillation, or bleach to kill off any water borne hazards.

Defence Strategies for Life and Property

Let's delve into the realm of force. In certain city scenarios, social breakdown and violence may reign. If that's your reality, defending your home demands strategic measures. The importance of making your home a fortress can't be overstated.


Enhance home defence with:

·         A vigilant guard dog

·         Pepper spray for incapacitation

·         Firearms for worst-case scenarios (not available everywhere)

·         Trip wires for early warnings


Fortify your residence with practical measures:

·         Non-breakable Plexiglas for vulnerable windows

·         Steel bars for added window security

·         Heavy-duty deadbolts for exterior doors

·         Steel doors, preferably without windows

·         Eliminate hiding spots like bushes

·         Blackout windows to avoid light exposure

·         Establish secret food, valuables, or people hiding spots

·         Create escape hatches or passageways

·         Implement pepper-spray booby traps

While these may seem extreme, many urban dwellers already employ some of these tactics. Strengthening your home's defences ensures a safer environment. Be innovative, look at your resources and ask, how can I use this to defend my home and family?


Lighting Alternatives

When electricity is scarce, consider alternative lighting options:

LED flashlights with rechargeable solar-charged batteries

Propane-powered lanterns

Quality oil lamps with stocked oil

Candles and olive oil for homemade candles


Staying Warm Strategically

Securing fuel for warmth necessitates unconventional thinking. Stocking uncut wood logs, though requiring effort, is a theft-resistant solution. Acquiring a chainsaw for efficient wood processing is advisable, along with fuel stabilisers for storage.


Water Wells for Long-Term Security

Drilling a well emerges as a formidable solution for prolonged water supplies. Invest in a high-quality hand pump and cylinder for a sustainable water source. While the cost may be steep, the long-term benefits outweigh the initial investment.


Navigating Relationships with Neighbours

Forge alliances with neighbours for collective survival. Ideally, neighbours should be self-reliant and prepared. The spectrum ranges from neighbours aware and prepared to those oblivious and potentially hostile. Your city survival decision may hinge on the quality of your neighbourhood.

In the urban jungle, employing strategies that blend preparedness, defence, and cooperation enhances your chances of weathering the storm. It's a complex puzzle, requiring thoughtful consideration and strategic action. Remember, resilience lies not only in individual readiness but in fostering a resilient community.


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