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The New Preppers Guide to Survival Lingo

Updated: Feb 22

Survival Lingo

In the dynamic world of prepping, understanding the vernacular is as crucial as having a well-equipped bug-out bag. This comprehensive preppers guide to survival lingo aims to familiarize you with the essential survival words and phrases, ensuring you're well-versed in the Preppers Dictionary. Whether you're a seasoned prepper or just starting, this lexicon will be your linguistic survival toolkit.

AWOL - Absent Without Leave

  • Definition: When a prepper needs to Bug Out fast.

  • Context: Imagine a scenario where swift evacuation is imperative, and being AWOL means leaving promptly to ensure your safety.

Bug Out Bag (BOB) - Your 72-Hour Lifesaver

  • Definition: A bag, typically a rucksack, equipped with essential supplies for a minimum of 72 hours.

  • Context: Your Bug Out Bag is your lifeline in emergencies. It should contain everything you need to survive independently for three days.

BOV - Bug Out Vehicle

  • Definition: The vehicle of your choice for any emergency survival situation that requires a speedy exit.

  • Context: Your Bug Out Vehicle is your escape pod, chosen and prepared for unexpected crises. It ensures mobility and readiness.

BOL - Bug Out Location

  • Definition: Whether on foot or by BOV, your Bug Out Location is your designated safe haven.

  • Context: Having a well-thought-out Bug Out Location is essential for preppers. It's the destination you head to when SHTF.

Doomsday - The Final Meltdown

  • Definition: The term used for the ultimate collapse of society.

  • Context: Preppers prepare for Doomsday scenarios, envisioning the breakdown of societal structures and planning accordingly.

EDC - Every Day Carry

  • Definition: Items you carry daily in case of a survival emergency.

  • Context: Your EDC is your constant companion, containing tools and essentials to navigate unexpected challenges in your daily life.

EMP - Electromagnetic Pulse

  • Definition: One of the many Doomsday events that might cause TEOTWAWKI.

  • Context: Understanding the impact of an EMP is crucial, as it can disrupt electronic devices and communication systems.

SFWF - Shelter, Fire, Water, Food

  • Definition: The survivalist's main priority order.

  • Context: SFWF outlines the fundamental needs for survival, emphasizing the importance of securing shelter, fire, water, and food.

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