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Three Day Survival Plan Guide

Updated: Feb 22

three day survival plan

In the realm of prepping, the adage "Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance" holds immense significance. Crafting a robust three day survival plan is a cornerstone for preparedness, ensuring you and your family navigate the initial chaos of any disaster. This comprehensive guide will delve into the intricacies of creating an effective three-day survival plan, covering key aspects such as evacuation strategies, communication protocols, securing your home, sustenance, shelter, and handling injuries or illnesses.

Evacuation Strategies

Meeting Points and Routes

  • Identify Meeting Points: Establish meeting points for different scenarios, considering both home and external locations.

  • Evacuation Routes: Plan and practice evacuation routes, emphasizing the importance of familiarity for swift and calm evacuations.


  • Communication Protocols: Ensure every family member knows how to contact others, especially during network disruptions.

  • Emergency Contacts: Designate contacts outside your area, facilitating information exchange and family coordination.

Securing Your Home

Home Safety Measures

  • Utilities Management: Educate all family members on shutting off gas, electricity, and water supplies, vital during evacuations.

  • Locking Responsibilities: Clearly define responsibilities for locking the house, crucial for scenarios requiring travel.

Shelter Decisions

Sheltering Options

  • At Home or Leave Decision: Determine when sheltering at home is optimal and when leaving is necessary.

  • Alternative Shelter Locations: Plan alternative locations if leaving home, considering travel routes and potential blockages.

Sustenance Planning

Food and Water

  • Quantify Needs: Calculate the amount of water and food required for a three-day survival period.

  • Water Sources: Identify water sources beyond mains supply, including the inclusion of bottled water in the survival kit.

  • Food Preparation: Consider the type of food in your kit, accounting for preparation requirements.

Shelter and Clothing

Indoor and Outdoor Shelter

  • Safe Indoor Locations: Identify secure locations within the home for shelter during specific disasters.

  • Warmth Planning: Plan for keeping warm without relying on normal heating methods, ensuring the inclusion of adequate clothing and blankets.

Handling Injuries or Illnesses

Medical Preparedness

  • First Aid Training: Ensure all family members receive first aid training, a critical skill in emergency situations.

  • First Aid Kit: Maintain a well-stocked first aid kit as an integral part of the three-day survival plan.

  • Contingency Planning: Consider how illnesses or injuries might impact the overall plan, and identify alternatives.

Building Your Survival Kit

Essential Kit Components

  • Bug-Out Bag Essentials: Assemble a comprehensive bug-out bag, encompassing vital and optional items.

  • Versatility: Highlight the dual utility of the kit, useful both during sheltering at home and on the move.


In conclusion, a well-crafted three-day survival plan is the linchpin of preparedness. By addressing evacuation, communication, home security, shelter, sustenance, and medical considerations, you create a holistic strategy ready to withstand various disaster scenarios. Remember, adaptability and periodic review are crucial to ensuring your plan evolves with your family's needs and changing circumstances.

In life's unpredictable journey, today's choices shape tomorrow's possibilities. Preparedness isn't just caution; it's a strategic decision, empowering resilience in the face of disasters.

"Survivorpedia" is your ultimate guide, offering insights and strategies to prepare for the unforeseen. It's not just a book; it's a key to a future of readiness.

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